
站长百科 2023-02-08 07:32www.1681989.com生活百科




In the morng, the sun was so small that the stars remaed the sky. Adrop of dew fell down the leaves, and a small one of them fell one of thelarge tracts of land.

At this time, I am walkg the natural environment. Smellg the freshair, I seemed to be dreamg. A clear wd blew through the leaves and therustlg of leaves

"Oh, time is runng out! In the sound of the rustlg, I seemed to hearsomethg, as if someone were cryg. "Alas, time is runng out, my poorbrothers and sisters ah, where are you? Also won't blame you, human begsconstantly cut down a tree wood, also don't know how you are now. In theenvironment, also let I can't stand fast. I am old, really want to have a fewbrothers and sisters around. However, these dreams can't e true."

A grass sprout has e out of the earth. "Oh, what a wonderful world! Butwhere are my brothers and sisters? My mother left me, and left me."

The ghostly wd blowg, digoeyes said: "the grass ah, your loved onesare beg taken away by human begs. They are due to not adapt to theenvironment, there is less than a few days, will die, some beg thrown thestreet, let the human pressure on car, have flat couldn't be flat."

"My family." "The grass cried and cried." dear friends, you haven't seen mesprout out of the land yet, and I haven't seen how I thrive. How can I gofirst?"

At that moment, the sound of the forest grew louder and louder, and theywere talkg and cryg. All of a sudden I heard, "we're gog to retaliateagast humanity!"

An elder said, "no, humans still is our good friend, we are not able torepay them. People like us, cannot leave the nature, this may be the human wasstupid, but I still believe that man will wake up, it's just sooner or later. Ihope human wake up quickly."

I was awakened by the noise of a bird, and I stood still the silentforest, but a few sad words had been echog on my side.

Suddenly, I seem to understand what!


In modern society, we tend to bee more and more aware of our livgenvironment or physical environment, because we are not clean as before。 So manypeople now choose their house as to its environment but not its location andexpenses to afford it。 As we all know, the environment pollution is more andmore serious durg these years, what we could do is to make great efforts protectg environment gradually。 As to government pollution, as to mon people。We also try to protect it and make it rema clean。 Although we have managed rotect the environment to a certa extent。 It is still a very long way togo。


I have lived for six years, and I have a deep love for it. Not only can youform a good study habit here, you can also study and live a beautifulenvironment.

Recently we learned the lesson about protectg the environment. Thestudents thought that protectg the earth should start from us and start fromour side. But they didn't realize that what we can do front of our eyes is tobuild a better campus environment. Because we had a beautiful environment of thecampus, there are not harmonious picture does exist: the packg bag of theclassmates after eatg snacks, milk box is everywhere disorderly throw, theclassmates of paper also don't pick up after usg it, go to where, just throwsome schoolmates also damage the trees of the school - pickg flowers, trample,so we didn't have a beautiful campus also.

Even the ancients knew that "to take it, to use it, and to use it," is our21st century flower not to understand? We fact as long as pay attention tothese thgs around, see the garbage only an action, bent down to pick up thedustb, see damage just a remder, our school will return to their formerappearance!

Start with me, start small, start from the side, start from now. Protectmother earth, purify our campus!


Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve theenvironment means to improve our life.

We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn’t cut themdown . We should s factories from pourg waste water to the river andwaste gas to the air.

Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw itto dusbs. Never spit public. Don’t draw on public walls. It’s our duty rotect the environment.


In the last several decades, our earth has been extremely polluted, such asair pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and so on. In recent years, theextreme weather bees more and more frequent. Wter gets colder and summerbees hotter and it ras more frequently. All of these warn us thatprotectg the environment is a serious and emergent event. As our generalpeople, we should build proper lifestyle. We should pay attention to water andlight savg. When we go out, we should firstly choose the publictransportation. The most important is that we must realize that we can do a lotof thgs to protect our environment. It's our duty to make our home better.Let’s change from ourselves.


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