复制代码代码如下: Checkg system mands… Performg ‘strgs’ mand checks Checkg ‘strgs’ mand [ OK ] Performg ‘shared libraries’ checks Checkg for preloadg variables [ None found ] Checkg for preloaded libraries [ None found ] Checkg LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable [ Not found ] Performg file properties checks Checkg for prerequisites [ Warng ] /usr/local/b/rkhunter [ OK ] /sb/chkconfig [ OK ] ….(略)…. [Press <ENTER> to contue]
#下面是第二部分,主要检测常见的rootkit程序,显示“Not found”表示系统未感染此
复制代码代码如下: rootkitCheckg for rootkits… Performg check of known rootkit files and directories55808 Trojan – Variant A [ Not found ] ADM Worm [ Not found ] AjaKit Rootkit [ Not found ] Adore Rootkit [ Not found ] aPa Kit [ Not found ] Apache Worm [ Not found ] Ambient (ark) Rootkit [ Not found ] Balaur Rootkit [ Not found ] BeastKit Rootkit [ Not found ] beX2 Rootkit [ Not found ] BOBKit Rootkit [ Not found ] ….(略)…. [Press <ENTER> to contue]
复制代码代码如下: Performg additional rootkit checks Suckit Rookit additional checks [ OK ] Checkg for possible rootkit files and directories [ None found ] Checkg for possible rootkit strgs [ None found ] Performg malware checks Checkg runng processes for suspicious files [ None found ] Checkg for log backdoors [ None found ] Checkg for suspicious directories [ None found ] Checkg for sniffer log files [ None found ] Performg Lux specific checks Checkg loaded kernel modules [ OK ] Checkg kernel module names [ OK ] [Press <ENTER> to contue]
复制代码代码如下: Checkg the work… Performg checks on the work ports Checkg for backdoor ports [ None found ] Performg checks on the work terfacesCheckg for promiscuous terfaces [ None found ] Checkg the local host… Performg system boot checks Checkg for local host name [ Found ] Checkg for system startup files [ Found ] Checkg system startup files for malware [ None found ] Performg group and aount checks Checkg for passwd file [ Found ] Checkg for root equivalent (UID 0) aounts [ None found ] Checkg for passwordless aounts [ None found ] ….(略)…. [Press <ENTER> to contue]
复制代码代码如下: Checkg application versions… Checkg version of GnuPG[ OK ] Checkg version of OpenSSL [ Warng ] Checkg version of OpenSSH [ OK ]
复制代码代码如下: System checks summary ===================== File properties checks… Required mands check failed Files checked: 137 Suspect files: 4 Rootkit checks… Rootkits checked : 311 Possible rootkits: 0 Applications checks… Applications checked: 3 Suspect applications: 1 The system checks took: 6 mutes and 41 seconds
$ env x=’() { :;}; echo vulnerable’ bash -c “echo this is a test”
this is a test
yum -y update bash
复制代码代码如下: $ env x=’() { :;}; echo vulnerable’ bash -c “echo this is a test” bash: warng: x: ignorg function defition attemptbash: error importg function defition for `x’ this is a test