# cd /usr/local/src/ # wget http://jaist.dl.sourcefe./project/kmphpfm/mwget/0.1/mwget_0.1.0.orig.tar.bz2 # tar -xjvf mwget_0.1.0.orig.tar.bz2 # cd mwget_0.1.0.orig # ./configure # make # make stall
checkg for tltool >= 0.35.0... ./configure: le 6824: tltool-update: mand not found found configure: error: Your tltool is too old. You need tltool 0.35.0 or later. # yum stall tltool
wget vs mwget速度测试 以下使用下载2.4.5版本的mongodb来取样. mwget速度测试
复制代码代码如下: # mwget http://fastdl.mongodb./lux/mongodb-lux-x86_64-2.4.5.tgz Beg to download: mongodb-lux-x86_64-2.4.5.tgz FileSize: 90M 36% [====> =====> ===> ====> ] [ 33M] [2.0M/s] [ETA:00:28]
复制代码代码如下: # mwget -h GNU MWget 0.1.0 ,a non-teractive and multile work retriever of all POSTIX Systems. Usage: mwget [Options]... [URL]... Options: -b, --debug Show the debug message -c, --count=num Set the retry count to [num], no limit when "0", the default is "99" -d, --directory=dir Set the local direcotry to [dir], the default is "." -f, --file=file Rename the file to [file] -h, --help A brief summary of all the options -i, --terval=num Set the ftp retry terval to [num] seconds, the default is "5" -n, --number=num Use [num] connections stead of the default (4) -r, --referer=URL Include `Referer: [URL]' header HTTP request. -t, --timeout=num Set the connection timeout to [num] seconds, the default is "30" -v, --version Show the version of the mwget and exit -x, --proxy=URL Set the proxy [URL]
Mail bug reports and suggestions to <sa@kmlux.tk><xiao_suo@hotmail.> On website bug reports and suggestions to <http://mwget.sourcefe./> <http://.kmlux.tk/> We Wele your BUG REPORT!
Axel 运维工作中,常常需要下载文件,因为网站下载速度限制或者网络等原因导致下载让人无法忍受,前面有介绍多线程wget工具mwget,提速不少,而且使用很简单。axel使用的人更多,不仅仅安装方法简单,命令更简单。往下看。 安装Axel RPM安装Axel(方法一) 下载地址http://pkgs.repofe./axel/ 如图,选择适合你服务器的RPM